We know that when treatment for cancer is over, your journey is not over.
It is a new beginning.
Thriving After Cancer - Cancer Survivorship Clinic
Our Thriving After Cancer survivorship clinic provides comprehensive care to patients who have completed treatment for cancer. At each visit we step back and take a look at the whole picture, including each part of your treatment, your health habits and your current physical and emotional well-being. We focus on any symptoms you may be having and educate you about the potential late and long-term effects of your treatment. We provide clear directions for screening and we encourage you to make healthy lifestyle choices.
Our team of professionals is dedicated to addressing your needs. We work with internists and registered dietitians and refer you to a specialist when necessary. We believe all patients treated for cancer deserve this type of collaborative care and information.
- Care and Support
Our clinic provides you with medical services, including a comprehesive physical exam, but your care doesn't stop there. We also connect you with:
- Weight management experts
- Nutrition and diet counseling, education and support with a registered dietician
- Physical therapy and lymphedema therapy
- Emotional support and mental health referrals
- Referrals for necessary cancer screenings, cardiovascular health, bone health and sexual health
- Referrals for genetic counseling and testing for inherited cancer risk (if indicated)
- Resources for cancer survivors like checklists of questions to ask your primary care doctor
- What to Expect During Your Visit
Your visit to the Survivorship Clinic will involve a 45-minute appointment with a physician or nurse practitioner, acomprehensive physical exam and a personalized survivorship care plan that has been tailored just for you, based on your unique health profile and medical history. In your “Survivorship Care Plan”, you will receive:
- A summary of your diagnosis and treatments (surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormonal treatments) and any other medical procedures or diagnostic imaging relevant to your diagnosis.
- A surveillance plan for cancer recurrence, with notes about your upcoming follow-up appointments.
- Any necessary referrals will be made at the end of the visit.
- Clarification regarding which parts of your care are being managed by different members of your health care team (oncologist, surgeon, primary care providers).
- Management, referral options and recommendations for late and long-term effects of your cancer diagnosis and treatment(s), such as effects of chemotherapy on your cardiovascular or bone health, surgery effects on chronic pain or sexual health, or increased risk of other cancers, or other health risks as a result of certain types of treatments.
- A comprehensive, personalized plan regarding bone health, cardiovascular health and vaccinations
- Age-appropriate, personalized cancer screening recommendations. Some examples are colonoscopy, annual skin cancer screenings, pap smears or other screenings as appropriate for you and your medical and family history.
- Assessment of your personal and family history for genetic risk of cancer.
- Management and referral options for men and women: sexual health, body image, anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain, sleep, physical therapy, weight management, nutrition and other supportive services.
- Counseling regarding tobacco cessation, weight management, alcohol and other risk factors that can impact your risk of developing cancer in the future.
- Your survivorship care provider will share your plan with you and your health care team, including your primary care physician and assist with coordinating any care you require after your cancer treatment is completed.
If your insurance requires a referral, please obtain one prior to the visit. Please allow one to two hours for your visit. You will be provided with your survivorship care plan at the time of the visit.
For Appointments:
Survivors of Adult Cancers: (833) GW4-CURE (Ext. 1)
For more information on survivorship care plans and survivorship care: