CTOP Specific Aims
- Engineer and translate novel cellular therapies to elicit robust and potent anti-tumor responses against adult and pediatric cancers
- Discover and repurpose molecular therapies that overcome identified mechanisms of resistance in refractory and/or relapsed cancers
- Design technologies for diagnosis, early detection, and monitoring response to therapy

CTOP Future Directions
- Foster more interdisciplinary partnerships across CTOP aims to drive innovation, improve research outcomes, and maximize shared resource utilization
- Increase multi-principal investigator grants by fostering interdisciplinary partnerships with CBIP and CCHE members and improving grant application support
- Encourage and support researchers to develop and conduct more Investigator-Initiated Trials (IITs), enhancing the GW Cancer Center’s clinical research portfolio with an emphasis on catchment-responsive trials
- Develop a K-like scholar program to support junior faculty in developing translational research careers