Doctor of Philosophy (Epidemiology), George Washington University, 2013
Master of Science (Statistics), University of Rhode Island 2004
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics), College of the Holy Cross, 2002

Barbara H. Braffett, PhD., Associate Research Professor joined the Biostatistics Center in August 2004. She is currently the Co-Principal Investigator of the Data Coordinating Center for the NIDDK-sponsored DCCT/EDIC (Diabetes Control and Complications Trial/Epidemiology of Interventions and Complications) study and Principal Investigator of the Coordinating Center for the TODAY2 long-term follow-up study of the Treatment Options for type 2 diabetes in Adolescents and Youth (TODAY) study. In addition, Dr. Braffett is currently the Coordinating Center PI for several DCCT/EDIC ancillary studies, including one designed to explore the role of DNA methylation in diabetes complications progression and metabolic memory (Epigenetic Markers of Complications and Metabolic Memory in the DCCT/EDIC Cohort), another designed to evaluate the relationship between hypoglycemia and cardiac rhythm in patients with type 1 diabetes (Relationship of Hypoglycemia and Arrhythmia in Long-term T1D), and a third designed to examine how type 1 diabetes affects neurocognitive impairments in older patients using MRI techniques and cognitive testing (Effects of Biomedical Risk Factors on Neuro-Cognition). Her recent work has focused on the effects of demographic, traditional, and diabetes-related risk factors on the risk of micro- and macrovascular disease in type 1 and 2 diabetes and the extent to which these factors co-progress over time, employing various longitudinal and survival modeling techniques, and assessments of mediation.