Research Programs

Researchers in a lab

The George Washington University (GW) Cancer Center boasts state-of-the-art research facilities and programs dedicated to cancer discovery through interdisciplinary collaboration with scientists and clinicians throughout GW. These partnerships, across campus and across the country, facilitate novel approaches to cancer diagnosis and treatment in the areas of cancer biology; cancer engineering and technology; cancer immunology and microbial oncology; population sciences and policy.

Clinical and Translational Oncology

The Cancer Biology Program focuses on investigating the mechanisms and signaling pathways involved in the development and progression of cancer, with a focus on genetics and epigenetics.

Cancer Control and Health Equity

The Population Sciences and Policy Program contributes to the prevention, detection and control of cancer through the study of health-related behaviors, health care systems and health-related quality of life.

Cancer Biology and Immunology

The Cancer Biology Program focuses on investigating the mechanisms and signaling pathways involved in the development and progression of cancer, with a focus on genetics and epigenetics.