Nonsurgical and surgical therapies

Once testicular cancer has been diagnosed, surgery is the primary treatment. Other treatments are determined by age, medical history, and the stage and grade of cancer.

Chemotherapy: Powerful drugs taken by mouth or delivered into the veins can be very effective in killing cancer cells that have spread beyond the testicles.

Hormonal evaluation: Before treatment, patients may have a complete hormonal evaluation to assess normal hormone levels. Hormonal replacement following treatment may be needed to help men return to their baseline. This preserves fertility and sexual function.

Radiation therapy: Radiation is an uncommon treatment for testicular cancer, but one example of its use is if there is a precancerous condition in one testicle and cancer in the other.

Sperm retrieval: We take a sample of testicular cells to look for viable sperm cells that can be preserved for use after cancer treatment if healthy sperm are not found in a semen test before surgery.

Surgery: Our specialists perform surgical removal of the testicle (radical orchiectomy) and, in some cases, will perform a partial orchiectomy to remove just the cancerous portion of the testicle. Both partial and radical orchiectomy are performed as outpatient procedures. Following surgery and subsequent treatment, a patient may require an advanced surgical procedure to remove lymph nodes and check for the spread of cancer.