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Jeffrey Gray is a prostate cancer survivor, thanks to the minimally invasive surgery he received from urology specialist Michael J. Whalen, MD, at the GW Cancer Center. Now he’s back to doing the things he loves.

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Did you know that early detection of lung cancer can significantly increase your 5-year survival rate to about 90%? And that lung cancer screenings are easy, quick, and painless?
Sunil Adige has a golden brain. As a medical oncologist, his analytical side has a deep understanding of the intricate science behind cancer. As a painter, he sees beauty that others might overlook. Both sides of his brain work in harmony to make a profound impact on his patients’ lives.
Trace Walker’s fascination for science was nurtured in a Florida orange grove. There, he gained an appreciation for the symbiosis between the land and the trees. Now, as a PhD candidate in the Chiappinelli Lab, he researches spatial transcriptomics, the way tumor cells interact and communicate with…