The GW Cancer Center 2024 Award

Cancer Center 2024 Awards

Nominations Are Open

Nominations are open for the 2024 GW Cancer Center Awards, recognizing faculty and trainee excellence in research, community impact, mentorship, and early career contributions.

All GW faculty, staff, or trainees may nominate any GW faculty or trainee — regardless of GW Cancer Center membership. Self-nominations are welcome!

Email nomination letters by Friday, April 5 at 12 pm.

The GW Cancer Center leadership will review the nominations. Awards will be given at the GW Cancer Center Scientific Retreat on May 1.

Award Categories


Outstanding Scientist

Scientists line drawing

The Outstanding Scientist Award is awarded to a GW Cancer Center faculty member making a noteworthy contribution in the areas of basic science, clinical science, translational science, or population science. The nominee must be a current faculty member of the University or affiliate and their scientific contributions must be cancer-focused and/or highly cancer-relevant (e.g., to also include upstream risk factors or analytic methods). 

 Excellence in Clinical Science

Microscope and lab equipment line drawing

The Excellence in Clinical Science Award is awarded to a GW Cancer Center clinician who has demonstrated unwavering commitment to excellence in the field of oncology through exceptional clinical skills, compassionate patient care, and original contributions to cancer research. The nominee must be a current faculty member of the University or affiliate, and their contributions must be cancer-focused.

Community Impact

hands and hearts line drawing

The Community Impact Award is awarded to a GW Cancer Center faculty member making a substantial impact on the health of our local community (the DC metro area, including counties in Maryland and Virginia) through their advancements in basic, clinical/translational, and/or population science. The nominee must be a current faculty member of the University or affiliate and their scientific contributions must be cancer-focused and/or highly cancer-relevant (e.g., to also include upstream risk factors or analytic methods)

 Mentorship Excellence

People running line drawing

The Award for Mentorship Excellence is given to the faculty member who inspires careers in cancer care, research, or education, provides timely, ongoing individualized feedback, serves as a role model, provides opportunities and resources for the mentee(s) to grow, strive for excellence, and achieve their full potential.

Junior Faculty Research

dna line drawing

 The Junior Faculty Research Award recognizes an assistant professor who demonstrates significant achievement and impact in cancer research. The nomination must describe the candidate's outstanding capability and exceptional promise for significant future achievements and potential value to the research mission of the GW Cancer Center. Nominees must be within five years of appointment to GW and reflect work that was completed while at GW.

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