GW Experts Available to Comment on Breast Cancer Stories

WASHINGTON (Oct. 1, 2015) - Experts at the George Washington University (GW) School of Medicine and Health Sciences are available to comment on stories around Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Experts are available to comment on “stage 0" breast cancer diagnosis, personalized medicine, survivorship, trends in breast cancer care and treatment, and more.

To interview experts in the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences, please contact Lisa Anderson at or 202-994-3121.

Rachel Brem, M.D.
Director of the GW Comprehensive Breast Care Center
Director of Breast Imaging and Intervention
Professor of Radiology
Dr. Brem can speak on breast cancer diagnosis, including “stage 0" breast cancer, breast imaging, and trends in breast cancer care and treatment

Rebecca Kaltman, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Dr. Kaltman can speak on genetic risk assessment and personalized treatment for breast cancer patients

Lauren Mauro, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Dr. Mauro can speak on trends in breast cancer care and treatment

Anita McSwain, M.D.
Associate Director of the GW Comprehensive Breast Care Center
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Dr. McSwain can speak on breast surgery and trends in breast cancer care and treatment

Mandi Pratt-Chapman, M.A.
Director of the GW Cancer Institute
Ms. Pratt-Chapman can speak on breast cancer health disparities, patient-centered care, and survivorship

Christine Teal, M.D.
Director of the GW Comprehensive Breast Care Center
Chief of Breast Surgery
Associate Professor of Surgery
Dr. Teal can speak on breast surgery and trends in breast cancer care and treatment

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