GW Radiation Oncology Annual Report 2021

GW Radiation Oncology is pleased to share the 2021 Annual Report, a summary of our efforts to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic, address health disparities, and improve diversity and inclusion.

Throughout 2021, GW Radiation Oncology worked to meet the demands of the pandemic. Our telehealth program, launched in 2020, proved successful as a convenient, safe way to deliver care to our patients. We also established an effective pre-radiation treatment protocol for COVID-19 testing patients undergoing radiation therapy, which received positive responses from patients.

On the research side, GW Radiation Oncology faculty members continued to highlight care disparities. Minh Huynh-Le, MD, studied genetic risk stratification models among prostate cancer patients with African and Asian genetic ancestry, seeking to reduce health disparities. In addition, GW joined the AIDS Malignancy Consortium as one of 42 clinical trial sites in the United States, Africa, and Latin America. Sharad Goyal, MD, professor of radiology and neurosurgery and director of the Division of Radiation Oncology, serves as the principal investigator for GW in the consortium.

Other highlights from the GW Radiation Oncology Annual Report include:

  • Clinical updates and quality improvements
  • A patient story detailing Emily Chiang’s experience with GW Radiation Oncology staff
  • Diversity and inclusion efforts, including GW Radiation Oncology staff and students participating in White Coats 4 Black Lives
  • Educational opportunities, such as residents and medical student rotations
  • Clinical program updates, as well as staff highlights
  • Highlights from our recent patient experience survey

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