The Together, Equitable, Accessible, Meaningful (TEAM) Cancer Care for Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) Patients Training aims to support equitable, accessible and patient-centered cancer care for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LGBTQI) patients. The training will provide guidance, tools and resources to help organizations implement quality improvements to improve equitable, patient-centered, culturally affirming care.

More About TEAM-SGM
The TEAM Training is for organizations that provide cancer care services or address cancer disparities. Services can include: community/population health interventions with a cancer-related focus, navigation, education, screening, diagnostic testing, treatment, psychosocial support and survivorship care.
Organizations must be located in the United States, tribes or territories to participate. Organizations may range in size (e.g., specific oncology department, entire practice or hospital) and care setting (e.g., community-based clinic, in-patient facility).
We are committed to convening a cohort of diverse health professionals. Organizations are strongly encouraged to engage a diverse team, including individuals diverse in race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity, ability/disability and professional role.
Applications for the third TEAM Training are now open.
Applications are now closed. View Cohort III participants.
Questions? Email us at
Methods of Instruction
- Online, self-paced course with required readings included
- Six (6) virtual technical assistance sessions covering topics ranging from medical oncology considerations, trauma-informed care, psychosocial and palliative care, and insurance considerations along with Q&A, small group activities, and group discussions. Each session will last for one hour and each team member is expected to participate.
- Six (6) virtual webinars to review training purpose, assessment tools, and check-in on progress, and troubleshoot implementation of action plans. Each webinar will last for one hour and each team member is expected to participate.
- Organizational Assessment conducted as a team
Online Course Topics
Below is a sample of some of the many topics covered by the TEAM Online Training.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- How many people need to be on my organization's team?
Your organization should identify four people to represent your organization and participate in the 13-week TEAM training.
- Can more than four people from my organization participate in the TEAM Training?
The ideal size of a team for the training is four people. The GW Cancer Center strongly encourages you to select team members who will be able to champion organizational change.
- Is the TEAM Training free?
Yes, The TEAM Training is free for selected teams.
- When is the application due?
The application form and letter of support are due by Thursday, April 1, 2021. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Applications should be sent via e-mail to
- When will decision notifications be sent?
All applicants will be notified via e-mail the week of April 12, 2021.
- Can international organizations apply?
No, only organizations located within the United States, tribes or territories are eligible to apply.
- Who can I contact if I have additional questions about the application or training?
Please email and a GW Cancer staff person will be in touch.